In the fallout of the Trump-sponsored, anti-American siege on the Capitol and Trump’s historic 2nd impeachment, I have watched and read numerous clips and articles of reactions from American and international leaders. Unsurprisingly, I find the Republican reactions to be the most noteworthy and dishonest. No, I’m not talking about the Republicans like Wyoming’s Liz Cheney and Washington Rep. Dan Newhouse who finally distanced themselves from Trump’s proto-fascism. I’m talking about Republicans like House minority leader Kevin McCarthy who disingenuously call for “unity.” You know the call.
“Let’s unify in these divisive times.”
The idea of unity in divisive times is a worthwhile one. But not from Republicans. Heeding their call for unity post insurrection is like allowing an arsonist to help you fully rehabilitate a house they set on fire. Sure they’re familiar with the house. But there’s a reason they’re familiar with the house.