Recent Posts
Roe V Wade Overturned
In our debut podcast, Alexander Banks and I discuss Roe v Wade by the Supreme Court, problems with t…
Comedians on Stage Getting Cancelled?
After “The Slap,” people all over the internet have argued about comedy and whether come…
You Are What You Did Last Year
As we move closer to an open and "safe" public life, I know plenty of people who want to act as thou…
Judas and The Black Messiah: A Different Perspective
When I first saw the trailer for Judas and the Black Messiah months ago (years ago in COVID time), I…
Kevin McCarthy and The G(aslighting) Old Party
Two weeks after the Insurrection, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy decided to blame everyone for…
The Real White Privilege of the Insurrection
It’s been three weeks since the Trump-inspired Insurrection. In the aftermath, folks discussed how d…
Remembering Henry Aaron and the White Supremacy He Faced
We recently lost Hall of Famer Henry Aaron. All over the internet, people are rightly praising his l…
The nuanced Brilliance of “One Night in Miami”
Malcolm X. Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali). Sam Cooke. Jim Brown. Four characters each with different an…
How Republicans Set the Capitol Ablaze
In the fallout of the Trump-sponsored, anti-American siege on the Capitol and Trump’s historic 2nd i…
Don’t Let Up/ Happy Birthday #BreonnaTaylor/ #WeveSeenEnough hashtag & Police violence on Twitter/ Don’t Settle for Symbols
New episode…I talk about not letting up. We shout out Breonna Taylor. We talk about all the po…
We live in the midst of a global pandemic. These might be the most difficult times any of us have ev…
Episode 8: Talk Sh*t, Get Hit
Civil & Savage talk about people who talk shi*t and can’t understand why they get hit. Deb…
Episode 7: Black people vs “N*ggas”
Civil & Savage debate about Respectability politics. Savage tells the story about when his attir…
Civil & Savage Talk Brittney Griner, Beyonce, and the NFL
Civil & Savage discuss the travesty that is Brittney Griner in Russian prison, whether Baker May…
Deshaun Watson’s “Poor Man’s Crimes”
(Some parts of this episode are NSFW) Savage (Banks) thinks that the Deshaun Watson allegations refl…
Debating Transgender Athletes, Kobe Bryant Top 10 All Time
In our first Civil & Savage episode, Banks and Daniel also have their first Civil (Daniel) v Sav…
The Best Dating Profile Advice (For Men)
Banks and I discuss annoyed people making beatbox sounds, whether you can find a spouse on OnlyFans,…

About Me
I have some things to say. So I say them. I hope my words help me and others think better and live better.