It’s been three weeks since the Trump-inspired Insurrection. In the aftermath, folks discussed how differently the police would have treated Black protests if they stormed the Capitol in a similar fashion. But I think most people failed to notice the sadder truth. The coup reminded me that Black people face more state violence for merely existing than White people faced for instigating a coup against the Capitol.
Black people consistently face a bigger and more violent police response for just about everything under the sun. Whether it’s sleeping, playing with toys, or just sitting in our houses, police have assaulted and killed us with relatively no accountability. Even during a summer of police brutality protests, police responded to those protests with…police brutality. But surprisingly, police didn’t use force to the same degree against the insurrectionists. What explains this lack of force against White sedition? You could attribute the lack of force to the Pentagon’s backfired plan to stay out of Trump’s rally (before the coup). You could even tie it to police and military representation in the coup itself. But I don’t believe either of these explanations get to the heart of the question. The White Trump seditionists received better treatment than the average Black person because America consistently gives White people a benefit of the doubt that it will not give to Black people. As a result, the White insurrectionists received better treatment than Breonna Taylor.
In the midst of an insurrection, White people were free to walk through the Capitol like it was a private VIP tour. They urinated and spread feces throughout the halls. They kicked their feet up on Nancy Pelosi’s desk, took the Speaker’s lectern, stood at the podium, and reportedly tried to sell Nancy Pelosi’s laptop to Russia. Some of them brought tactical gear, weapons, and zip ties to reportedly capture and assassinate Speaker Nancy Pelosi and (former) Vice President Mike Pence. Yet many were able to leave without injury, fly home, and resume life before facing government charges. None of them were choked for 8 minutes and 46 seconds.
To be clear, I am not arguing in favor of more police violence toward any group. Rather, I want to show you that equality is a bad joke in the United States. As long as unequivocal White supremacy exists, Black people will continue to suffer more violence for existing than White people for attempting to overthrow the US government.